You can help this Christmas...
Christmas Appeal 2023
This Christmas, we are asking you to consider the profound difference a donation could make in Shane’s life and the lives of many other children like him in Western Australia. Every $80 we raise is the equivalent of one hours’ tutoring for these children.
No family deserves to face the cruel reality of childhood cancer. By making a tax-deductible donation today, you can help the children of tomorrow live cancer-free.
Tax Appeal 2023
Liam lost almost six months of his childhood while battling cancer, but some children lose so much more. Your gift can help scientists find better treatments that will give children the best chance of survival.
As you share special moments this Christmas, spare a thought for families with a childhood cancer diagnosis...
Christmas Appeal 2022
With Christmas almost upon us, many families will come together to celebrate in their own ways. I want to share our family’s story, reminding me of how lucky I am to celebrate Christmas with my two beautiful children.
My family owes a great debt to the advancements made through childhood cancer research, especially from this Foundation that has funded research for over 42 years. I honestly believe my son would not be here today without that funding.
No child should have to face the cruel reality of cancer...
Tax Time Appeal 2022
It’s safe to say that we have all experienced isolation and uncertainty as a result of COVID-19. Although a new feeling for most of us, this is a concept that childhood cancer families have grappled with long before the pandemic.
This tax time, I would like to reintroduce you to the Higgs family. Eight-year-old Finlay Higgs, a hero to all of us at the Foundation, was the star of our Friends of Finlay Camp Out in 2017 and 2018.
Help more children win their battles this tax time...
Tax Time Appeal 2021
This tax time, I would like to introduce you to a wonderful friend of the Foundation, Therese Weldt. Therese was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) when she was 10 years old and living in Sri Lanka. Now, Therese is in her late 30s, living a life her family could have only dreamed for her.
You can make a difference this Christmas...
Christmas Appeal 2020
Christmas is a time to celebrate with family, and every year I am grateful for how I get to share it with mine. My son Marley was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia when he was just 15 months old, and I haven’t always been sure he would be here celebrating it with us.
Our 40th Anniversary
Tax Time Mailer: May 2020
This year is a very special one for the Foundation as it marks our 40th anniversary of raising funds and awareness for childhood cancer research. We are so proud of the ground-breaking work that the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (CLCRF) has helped fund over the years, but there is no denying that there is still so much work to be done.
You can make a difference this Christmas...
Christmas Appeal 2019
As Christmas approaches, it is important that we stop and reflect on the joy and blessings in our lives while also being aware that not everyone is so fortunate. In the early 1980’s, after two of my sons were struck by cancer, I became actively involved in fundraising for childhood cancer research.
Jackson's Story
Tax Time Mailer: Jackson’s Story
What started off as a suspected stomach bug when he was 7 months old turned out to be something much worse that would change the Pianta family’s lives forever. Jackson Pianta was diagnosed with both Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) and Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and has spent a huge portion of his life in hospital undergoing intense treatments.
This is his story – as told by his Mum, Michelle Pianta
Help improve lives this Christmas...
Christmas Appeal: December 2018
“I dream of a cure or even a treatment that is side effect free. Not something that ravages the bodies of children. Marley’s journey has been long, but with courage and hope and the support of research and dedicated doctors and scientists, he’s come out the other side with so much strength and empathy.”
Childhood cancer is a lifetime diagnosis. Current treatments may save some lives, but cause long term damage. More research is needed for better outcomes for our children. By donating to CLCRF this Christmas, you will be instrumental in helping us to not only increase their chances of survival, but also fund research into more effective protocols for drug treatment therapy.
Hunter's Story
Tax Time Mailer: June 2018
Throughout this difficult journey, the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (Inc.) has been a huge source of support and friendship for Hunter, me and my family.
The Foundation provides funding for world class research into fighting cancer and finding new and less toxic treatments for children with these life-threatening diseases and is not government funded. Only one per cent of government funding is given to children’s cancer research. This is why your help is crucial in the search for better treatments for children like Hunter.
By giving a donation today, you can help children with cancer survive and live life to the fullest.
Keep the dream alive this Christmas...
Christmas Appeal: December 2017
With a grateful heart, I say thank you to the Foundation and its supporters for bringing me from Switzerland to Perth and giving me the chance to lead the Laboratory. It is with some sadness, that I announce that I have come to the end of my time as the founding scientist of the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation (Inc.) (CLCRF) Laboratory.
During these 34 years, I have been struck by one word to describe the effects of infant cancer: AGGRESSIVE. Cancer in children is not the same as adult cancer. An adult cancer patient may experience five to 30 years of life lost due to cancer and its treatments. A child diagnosed with cancer may lose 67 years of life through cancer and its treatments.
By giving $50 you can lessen the loss of life a child with cancer faces.
Robbie's Story
TAX Time Mailer: June 2017
When you hear the name ‘Robbie Williams’ most people will picture the international singing sensation, or more locally the man whose family received a renovation rescue to their home. We are writing to you to share the story of Robbie Williams the dad, who had to hand over his role as protector for his own child to another. A dad who was forced to learn that sometimes the bravest thing you could do for your child is to step aside and give control and trust to a stranger.
It was in January 2014 that Robbie and Courtney Williams’ young family’s lives were turned upside down when they were told their youngest daughter, Maddie. had a tumor one quarter the size of her body inside her. She was only 8 months old. Read more to find out how you can help…