Motive to Move Singlets for the HBF Run for a Reason!
Running for Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation Inc. at HBF Run for a Reason on 27 May?
We are encouraged to see a significant number of runners of HBF Run for a Reason raising money for child cancer research on 27 May so far.
If you are running, wear our ‘Motive to Move’ singlet on the day and show your support for the CLCRF! Just call the office on (08) 9363 7400 during office hours and you can pick up a singlet for only $5 each!
We have a range of sizes available for men and women but sizes 10-12 for women are very limited. If you want these sizes, please call the office quickly.
If you haven’t registered to run for the CLCRF at HBF Run for a Reason yet, start your Everyday Hero fundraising page and run for an excellent reason!