FUN FACT: We weren’t always called the Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation
As supporters of the Foundation, you know us by the name Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation, or CLCRF for short, but did you know that wasn’t always our name?
From its inception in 1980, the Foundation first went by the name of the Fund Raising Committee of the Children’s Leukaemia & Allied Disorders Research Fund. It was in 1986 that the Foundation decided that this name was too much of a mouthful, publicising a name change in the newsletter distributed in June of that year.
“For some time, the members of the Fund Raising Committee of the Children’s Leukaemia & Allied Disorders Research Fund (C.L.A.D.R.F.) have expressed concern regarding the length of the Fund’s title, particularly in respect of their marketing and associated advertising” the newsletter announcement stated.
“Accordingly, it was agreed that in the interests of future marketing activities the Fund’s title be Children’s Leukaemia Research Fund.”
The Foundation, or Fund, was then referred to as the Children’s Leukaemia Research Fund until 1991.
After extensive discussion, the committee agreed to add the word ‘Cancer’ and to substitute the word ‘Foundation’ in lieu of ‘Fund’. After getting approval from the Chairman of the Board of Management at Princess Margaret Hospital, Mr Len Fletcher, as well as the Chief Executive Officer Ivor Davies, the name was officially changed and has remained ever since.