Hunter Reaches a Milestone on his Road to Recovery
We received some great news this week with six-year-old Hunter reaching a special milestone in his cancer treatment and being the first to ring Perth Children’s Hospital’s new treatment bell.
Friday 3 May marked 100 days since Hunter’s life-saving bone marrow transplant. On the very same day, the oncology ward at Perth’s Children’s Hospital unveiled its first ever treatment bell.
“The bell is a symbol that’s rung at the end of treatment to recognise everything that the child and the family has gone through in their cancer journey.” Says Dr Annie Ryan, Paediatric Oncologist.
The first 100 days after a bone marrow transplant are said to be the most critical and although Hunter is not in the clear yet, the end of his tough road to recovery is now in sight. This was excellent news for Hunter’s family who were devastated last September when Hunter relapsed after almost two years of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Hunter celebrated this big achievement with a limo ride and a swim in his friend’s pool. This is the first time Hunter has been healthy enough to swim since his diagnosis at the age of three.
By helping fund the important research into childhood cancer by CLCRF, more children like Hunter can reach milestones in their cancer treatment journeys. If you would like to make a donation to the Foundation, head to our donate page.