How to Use a Promo Code for the Family Night Out
Great! You’ve got a promo code for the 2019 Family Night Out! But how do you enter it?
Step 1: Head to
Step 2: Click on the green button that says “Tickets”
Step 3: A pop up box will appear that had the types of tickets available. Select how many tickets you’d like.
Step 4: Above these options you’ll see “enter promo code” in blue quite small, click on Enter Promo Code.
Step 5: A blue box will appear for you to enter the promo code, enter the promo code that you have.
Step 6: Click on Apply on the right hand side. This will apply the promo code to your ticket purchases.
Step 6: If your promo code entitles you to a discount then the discount will appear in green on the right hand side of the screen under your Order Summary. Otherwise your promo code will just tell us that the tickets you are purchasing are for your charity / not-for-profit organisation and we will allocate the funds accordingly to your chosen organisation after the event.
Step 7: Click on the Checkout button at the bottom – which will go orange when you hover over it.
This will then take you to the payment screen where you can finalise your ticket purchases.
Thank you for supporting our event!