Filming Dr Sébastien Malinge
On Thursday 12 April, Children’s Leukaemia & Cancer Research Foundation Inc. had the privilege of filming an interview with Dr Sébastien Malinge, Ursula Kees Fellow, at the Telethon Kids Institute who moved from France to Perth six months ago. He is one of the brilliant scientists working in the CLCRF lab at the Telethon Kids Institute.
Sébastien shared his passion for finding out why children with Down’s Syndrome have a higher incidence of leukaemia. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the US before moving to Paris to continue his research in 2012. Moving to Perth with his family, he is enjoying the peaceful lifestyle as compared to the hustle and bustle of Paris.
Dr Malinge believes that funding research into leukaemia is essential to help build a better future for all children suffering from leukaemia.
We will be editing the footage together and presenting a video of the interview very soon, so please stay tuned!