What We Do
Fund Research
The Child Cancer Research Foundation supports Associate Professor Ursula Kees, our Principal Research Fellow, Ms Jette Ford, Research Officer, a Laboratory Assistant, provides financial assistance to a Ph.D. Scholarship, laboratory consumables, maintenance and equipment for the Research Laboratory. Without this support the laboratory could not continue its life-saving research.
To provide our research team with some degree of security, the Foundation operates on a three-year block grant funding process. The research work that has been completed and the work proposed for the next three years is assessed by an international group of eminent scientists and only subject to a satisfactory assessment does the Foundation continue to fund the research. Find out more about our research we are currently undertaking or about our scientists.
Community Events
To bridge the gap between our research needs and the community we support, the Child Cancer Research Foundation has created a number of events that we believe help with the awareness of childhood cancer as well as provide joy to those families affected. We have worked hard to develop our individual voice in the very busy charity event arena and will always deliver high quality, low cost options for our community.
The Family Night Out event was created many years ago, not as a fundraising opportunity, but a family event to share with those who need it most. Families with children going through childhood cancer or are on the other side but want to share a wonderful concert with friends and family who understand. This has become one of the family concert picnics in Perth not to miss.
Then we created Dance for A Cure. A fundraising event born from a single young person who did not have the happy ending so many children today can have, thanks to research. It is for everyone, children and their parents, even their grandparents. Friends, work colleagues and groups of people who want to do something important. Dance to raise funds and of course that highly sort after awareness of the cancer that is still affecting so many of our children. It is fun and different and you don’t even need to be a dancer to participate. Make sure you save this year’s date. Check out our upcoming events to see how you can become involved!
Share Research
Our laboratory collaborates with many institutes all over the world and is fundamental in the continued development and progress of the success of childhood cancer research. Finding a cure for childhood cancer will not be done by a single laboratory and we are very proud to be one of the leading research facilities in the world for childhood cell lines. Without the ability to share research the world’s scientists would be working in the dark essentially. We are excited by the future and what our laboratory is heading toward. Head to our collaborations page to find out more…
Link Support Services
Whilst the Child Cancer Research Foundation is a research funding foundation, we find that we work closely with many families who are affected by childhood cancer. We know that it can be incredibly daunting when you are first diagnosed. We have listed some useful resources to assist you in finding the support services that you may need to get through those incredibly scary and difficult times. We’re not promising that we have all of the answers, but we are trying to give you a central location to look for useful resources. If you think there is a link to a service that could help another family which we may have missed, please email us and let us know.